Do Mother’s Day More Than Once a Year!

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It was obvious that 2020 Mother’s Day was going to be different. We were ordered, no gatherings of any kind. So that meant our annual Mother’s Day dinner was a not possible this year. This is my favorite family dinner because all the men and children have to make and clean up the whole family dinner. All the mothers get to relax for once.

My cousin had posted on Facebook this fun yet honest reminder for Dads. I liked it right away but then I realized the truth of my reality…there was no Dad in my house and no teachers or older adults to help my children remember or plan something special for me. I love my kids but they’re are pretty tired of their Mommy already and none of them look at a calendar. I’m also not the type to keep reminding them, “Don’t forget, Mother’s Day is coming!”

I realized that my Mother’s Day could go two ways. I could wallow in misery that nobody cares how much I do for them everyday. OR I could make Mother’s Day special on my own. I chose to make it special. This is how my Mother’s Day went.

When I made the decision to make my Mother’s Day a special one, I knew the first thing I had to do was to take the focus off of myself. I wanted to do something for as many wonderful mothers as I could. With very limited fundings, my options were very few.

So I started my day by deciding to send a text or Facebook messages to at least 100 mothers telling them Happy Mother’s Day. My goal was to send them a message letting them know I am thinking of them and what a wonderful mother they are, before they messaged me! There was no way I could send a 100 personal messages at one sitting so this would have to be in spurts throughout the day.

The next thing I decided to do for Mother’s Day was to pamper and take care of myself for once!

The first thing I wanted was breakfast in bed. So I made myself a fried egg on rice, side of kimchee, and fruit smoothie with Amare supplements. Then I got nice and comfortable on my bed. Oh! I did NOT forget to lock the door so no one could bother me. (There was Costco muffins and bananas for my kids if they got hungry.)

While eating, I decided I wanted to watch something uplifting to remind me how important my roll is as a mother. I watched a few things but this one hit my heart and brought tears to my eyes. This is why I do what I do as a mother. After this short video, I was able to continue my day with a joyful hear..

After breakfast, I decided I would take a shower. A bath would have been amazing but our current home doesn’t have any tubs. A shower may seem like a simple daily thing but as a single mom of a lot of children, especially a bunch of little ones, a shower is a luxury. I make sure my kids get their regular bathes but I’m usually busy all the way up till I pass out. When I wake up, its GO time and my crazy day starts all over again. Most times, I honestly don’t remember the last time I took a shower. So today, I got to shower, wash my hair, and even shave!

I also decided I deserved to do a facial mask. I seriously do not remember the last time I did something special for my face. I don’t even remember where I got that bottle of mask from! Praying it was still ok to use, I put on the mask. Looking quite different from my normal self, my children were entertained by their Mommy’s new look. So I decide to have a little fun and wake up my sleeping 15-year-old. She’s usually really grumpy in the morning but when she finally saw my face she couldn’t help but smile. The best part was that she told me I looked beautiful. Hearing you look beautiful is something you WANT to hear on Mother’s Day!

My parents came over for a bit to have sacrament and a short “church” meeting which was really lovely then it was lunch time. I ate a yummy frozen noodles with shrimp dumplings, the kids made their own lunch.

I then drove to Makaha (about an hour drive) to pick up the babies from visiting family and back home (another hour) before my 3pm Queen Bee session. I was able to get a short nap with my 3yr old because driving makes me tired.

When I woke up it was already time to prep dinner! I was super excited for dinner because I found a easy delicious looking microwavable meal at Costco. So I orchestrated my dinner (pasta and salad with tomato, cucumber, and bell peppers). Told the big kids to get to work on dinner and I left to continue to pamper myself.

While the kids were prepping dinner, I took the time to epilade my legs. I have a cheap epilade from Wish but the ones pictured below from Amazon are way better! The last one I had that I lost in a hotel was more like these.

While doing my legs, my 13 daughter came in and asked, “Mommy why is your hair so long!?” I answered, ” Because Mommy doesn’t take time to take care of myself and today I am.” I realized at that moment, I need to be a better example to my children about taking care of myself.

I also decided that I should clean up my eyebrows. The last time I got my eyebrows threaded was in California, eight months ago! My eyebrows had been ignored long enough! I’m far from a professional job but I think it looks a little better.

Dinner was finally ready! Just as we were about to eat, I realized my 2yr old has a stinky diaper. The kids got started on their salads. When I got back to the table I was surprised that my kids actually waited for me to come back to the dinner table before diving into the main course! I was very grateful for the thoughtfulness to wait for me. Like always we have lively silly conversations with lots of laughter. We all thought the pasta was delicious. For our family of eight we heated up two packages of pasta meal.

After dinner the kids cleaned up. I got the babies to bed and then did my toe nails. The last time I got my feed and toes painted and pampered was also in California, eight months ago! Yes, there is nail polish on my skin and it doesn’t look very pretty right now. The polish on the skin will peal off leaving it looking so pretty in the end! I think I’ll also add a flower design tomorrow.

My Mother’s Day turned out to be a very lovely day! It was good for me to focus on myself for once. Even though my pampering was not perfect, I finally took the time to do ME which I badly needed.

The best part of my day was messaging as many women as I know, Happy Mother’s Day. I almost made my 100 messages! Even though I wasn’t able to reach my goal, it was a very enjoyable experience for me to think about how many wonderful mothers I know and then recognizing them in a small way. All mothers do not get enough recognition for the amazing mothers that they are. There are still so many mothers that I wasn’t able to message yet!

I think I need to do my kind of Mother’s Day several times a year. We really CAN do Mother’s Day more than once a year!

  • Tell as many mothers as possible, how great they are and what an amazing job they are doing.
  • Pamper yourself because you deserve it.

I’m so grateful I choose to make my 2020 Mother’s Day special for me. What did you do for Mother’s Day this year?


47 thoughts on “Do Mother’s Day More Than Once a Year!

  1. I was blessed to have my daughter plan for me and one of my best friends to go to brunch and then we met up with our men for a BBQ! I thought it was sweet your kids waited.

  2. I love to lavish on the mothers in my family – my daughter, daughter-in-law, and my sister. It always comes back ten-fold as they say. But its such a treat to watch them just relax and be pampered. Thanks for the encouragement to continue doing it. This year, lots of virtual times but it was still delightful. Thanks.

    1. The mothers in your family are so blessed to have you in their life! I know what you are doing is greatly appreciated! ❤️

  3. My gift to myself was letting the kids sleep in so I could have some peace and quiet to read, lol. We can’t neglect ourselves, as much as we feel that our needs are low on the priority list.

    1. Lol yes! I had to ignore my kids, to not focus on what was NOT getting done. I decided I needed a break from the yucky parts of being a Mommy. Lol

    1. I did pretty good ignoring the not so nice things the kids did during the day. Most of them didn’t even know it was Mother’s Day until my mom came for a bit and I told her Happy Mother’s Day. 🤪 Someday they will remember when Mother’s Day is.

  4. This is such a great message! Life is hard sometimes our situation are not always ideal but we have a great attitude and make it work. I love that you took the time to pamper yourself! Sending messages is also such a great thing to do. I’m sure you made someones day!

    1. Thank you for you kind comment! I think sometimes we get so caught up in our problems we forget that others may be feeling the same! Knowing someone thought of you can make all the difference. 😊💕

    1. I agree 100%! As long as we keep serving others we will always have joy in our lives. We just need to choose joy. 😊

  5. This is a wonderful way to spend the day! I agree, Mother’s Day should be more, maybe even once a month! Ha!

  6. This is a wonderful way to spend mother’s day! I’m glad that you made the most of it. You have a beautiful family!

  7. I don’t know how you do it! I can barely take care of just myself and my husband. My mom is a single mom of 5 so I can remember how crazy it always was.

  8. Such beautiful sentiment. Moms do so much and definitely need to have more than one day to be pampered. BTW…that pedicure looks much better than my last attempt! We’ve got this!

    1. Lol my friend said if we put Vaseline around our nails before painting our nails then anything we miss comes right off

  9. My *first* mother’s day was ruined by family members being selfish and childish. I’m so happy that you got to enjoy your day. You deserve it!!

    1. I had to ignore my rude teenagers and messes. I’m so sorry your first Mother’s Day was not as you expected. Most of mine were not very good…

  10. Mother’s day 2020: Strawberry cake – my favorite! And helping my daughter with house hunting in Hawaii prior to her departure in August. Oh, and Animal Crossing! It was a good day, but nothing really out of the ordinary. Mother’s Day every day sounds good to me!

  11. GOOD FOR YOU! I get so tired of the many mommies who complain that they didn’t get pampered or spoiled for Mother’s Day and I always just want to shout, “then take care of it yourself!’ So, good for you! It looks like you had a great day!

  12. Good for you!!! I’m a single Mom too but my kids are in their early 20’s. I work at Walmart so Mother’s Day was another work day for me. We got flowers and chocolate from the managers. Glad you had a great day.

    1. Thank you! You have kind thoughtful managers! Thank you for serving us during such an unsure time.

  13. You did a great job celebrating mothers day! And you’re right – it shouldn’t just be one day a year! Happy Mother’s Day!

  14. What a special Mother’s Day you had! Way to make it amazing and memorable. And I agree, we should have mother’s days scattered throughout the year!

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