Fed Up: Beginning Our KonMari Journey

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Coming home after a long day of work to a place of chaos and more work is something I despise. My husband does his best to help maintain our bedroom and living room space but with nine people living in a 912 sq ft house it’s always a mess. We got too much STUFF I honestly do not know how to keep things in control with so many moving bodies and so much STUFF! We moved to this home on Christmas Eve Dec 2017 and I still have unpacked boxes in our storage because I don’t know where to put them. I haven’t been able to use my cookbooks in over three years because it is still packed! No matter how much I try to clean up and organize, more STUFF keeps coming in faster than I can get things out! 😩

Girls Room.

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve had a strong feeling I needed to get my house in order then the rest of my life will fall into place. I just didn’t know exactly how to reach that goal. To get my family on board I put this scripture up in two places of my house.

My Dad laughs every time he sees it because my home is definitely a house of CONFUSION and NOT a house of ORDER.

Currently things are happening in my life that are making me unhappy but are out of my control. Rather than dwell on what I can’t control, I’ve decided to make a change on what I can control. My STUFF and my kids STUFF.

Boys room. This is actually the girls’ room walk in closet.

A friend introduced me to Marie Kondo months ago but I wasn’t able to find much at the time. Then I heard about Marie Kondo’s Netflix show, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, which I would love to watch, when my budget allows it again. For some reason I couldn’t forget her name and method of organizing which she has named, KonMari.

While doing an assignment for my eBook PDE3 class, we were required to borrow an eBook from our teacher collection. I honestly had zero desire to borrow a book about a style of teaching that I wouldn’t read. So I thought, I wonder if they have Marie Kondo’s book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and they did! It came in both audio and eBook! So I borrowed both. The past three days I’ve been reading, listening, and pondering. She claims her customers have no relapse after organizing her way! Works for ALL ages! I gotta do this!

Imagine living in a home surrounded only by things that “Spark JOY,” things you love and make you happy. I WANT and need that in my life. I need to clear my mind so I need to clear my surroundings.

Master bedroom. I’m grateful my husband makes the bed since I wake up super early. He does his best to help me keep our room tidy. It’s the cleanest room in the house.

I think one of my problems is my thinking. I’m low income, yes, my family is considered poverty and currently receiving help from the government, even if I’m working full time with a masters degree. Living in Hawaii with a big family is challenging. I don’t want to be low income status forever and working hard to change that but for now I’m very grateful for the help we receive from our government.

Our pantry/office space. I started to organize the desk area about a month ago…

With the lack of finances I LOVE hand me downs. I’m always so grateful for others thinking of us and receive everything as blessings showered from Heaven. My problem is I take too much because I’m worried that if I don’t, I won’t be able to replace anything on my own. Which then leads to, too much STUFF.

Our hallway with a shelf that houses more of our girl’s belongings.

I talked to my four big kids and started by asking,

Have you heard of the word Minimalist?

Rudy (16): Yah, it’s living on just really little bit of stuff and usually works best with single people.

Zaya (14): Isn’t it those people who have very little stuff and are in those “tiny” houses like on tv?

Kyra (12): Oh no! Does this mean we have to move to a smaller house?! Me laughing: we already live in a small house for the number of people that live in it.

Taye’s (10) responded that he didn’t know the word. So I asked what do you think it means? He thinks and says, “A small person?”

Our master bedroom’s half bath.

After talking to all my kids they all agreed we have too much STUFF which results in a messy house all the time and bug problems. I told them we are going to become minimalist! We want to surround our selves only with things that spark joy and that we need. Are you ok with that? My big four all said ok with the thoughts of a clean, orderly home and my babies are just going to have to deal with it.

Our living room.

So on Saturday, tomorrow, I will start with the first KonMari step…CLOTHES! If I don’t do things in a proper order than it will not last so I will be obedient and follow her method. With such a HUGE family, I’ve been pondering how to make it work and have ideas that I want to put into action.

Laundry in the hallway.

There are some wonderful big families out there who have shared their minimalist or KonMari journey with the world but none from Hawaii. So we are going to be the first. Come join us for our journey!

Here are more pictures from our house now, our BEFORE pictures. 😊

Our super tiny kitchen.
My husband made this amazing shelf but we still can’t fit all the books we own on it.
Our full bath that the kids mostly use.
Girls room, different angle.
Master bedroom, our dresser drawers & shelves.
Our master bedroom closet, my side. After washing all the clothes, it’s gonna be a lot more crowded. I have so much clothes that I don’t have to do laundry as often.
Our video walk through of BEFORE. It’s embarrassing but true.

Please check my Instagram (Ruth Iaela-Pukahi) of our current updates of our progress of tidying up with Marie Kondo, KonMari way.

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55 thoughts on “Fed Up: Beginning Our KonMari Journey

  1. Good luck! That is going to feel amazing want KonMari your house, I have been doing this lately too!

  2. I can’t even tell you how much your house looks like mine… I am a single parent with 7 kids here, from 15 to 5 year old twins. We haven’t done KonMari, but about every month on a rotating basis, we all work together to sort out one of our rooms. Our home is about 1200 sq ft and we have 6 rooms total, so every room gets a “do-over” every 6 months. It mostly works.

  3. Good for you, for taking control. I can only imagine how difficult it must be with so many people, and so little space! Good luck 🙂

    1. Thank you! The good thing about small space is we are a pretty close knit family. Can’t help but always hang out with someone. Lol

    1. Thanks! This is hard stuff for sure but I love how Marie Kondo helps you let go of things that currently doesn’t bring you joy. She makes it seem possible to move forward.

  4. I love the Kon Mari Method. It has made a huge difference in our home, even with the family member that is a bit of a hoarder. I have been working on it for about 6 months with my family and have let go of about 1/3 of everything we owned. We are still crowded and working to let go of another 1/3. I am loving it.

    1. Thank you for sharing! It’s always wonderful to hear other’s success stories. I loving hearing my kids talking about what sparks joy. 😊 This is just the beginning but I’m starting to feel like I’m finally breaking free!

  5. I have not read the book. I am sure I would benefit from reading it. I am not an organizer and I was really bad when my kids were small. Sounds like your kids are on board with you so Hang in there and it’ll all come together.

    1. Audio books are awesome. I listened to the bulk of the book while driving all over this week. When I want more details I open the eBook to double check if I heard it right. When I get a chance I would buy this book to refer too and when done, I’d pass it on. 😉 I love Marie Kondo’s method because she helps you understand what is really important to you NOW and how to let go of things that used to be important to you. Her style focus on what you LOVE not what you need to get rid of. 💕 I’ve been posting on my Instagram and FB sharing this crazy journey of our clothes! 🤪 When I’m done with all our clothes I’ll blog about it. 😊

  6. When we moved, we got rid of all the clutter. We were moving from an 1800 square foot home into a fifth wheel. Best decision ever was to declutter.

    1. I’m looking forward to that feeling of peace in my surroundings. Already a huge burden feels lifted from my shoulders from sorting clothes!

  7. What an inspiring post! My house is FULL of clutter, and it really does affect the mood in our home! I think I’ll follow your lead, starting today!

    1. Please see my Instagram posts. I’m shared going through our clothes so far. With so many kids it’s taking me a little longer but already we’ve filled up 14 bags of clothes that don’t spark joy. When all our clothes category is done, are done I’ll post another blog about it. 😊 Don’t forget to start with ALL your clothes! You can do this!!! 😊

  8. Good luck! I did this a few months ago and happy to report I was able to maintain my own clothes this way and boy did it make a difference! Can’t wait to do the bathrooms next – that will be a challenge!

    1. That’s wonderful to hear. Marie Kondo says if you do it her way you won’t relapse. After clothing she suggests books. 😳 I’m a librarian with lots of readers in my house so you can imagine…

  9. Wow! You are awesome to put this all out there like that. Good for you! I think it will surely help you see it through to completion because people are watching. {I often think….”If only I was brave enough to blog about my need to lose weight, I’d probably actually be successful this time” but I’m still too chicken!} I’ll be tracking your success story for sure!

    1. Exactly! It keeps me accountable AND keeps me real. 😉 Hopefully it will inspire others too. If I can do it, others can too. ❤️

  10. I hate not being organized it drives me crazy. I don’t think it matters what size home a person has I’m sure many of us need to get rid of “stuff”. A couple times a year I “purge”. I pick one area or room and go through everything and get rid of stuff I really don’t need. Thanks for the great info

    1. I LOVE being able to find things quickly but with so many bodies in the house things move all over when I’m the only one who seems to know where everything belongs 😝 Lol turns me into a grumpy mom! I’m so looking forward to an orderly home! ❤️

  11. Looking forward to seeing your results! I did my clothes & it felt so good. I got lots more to do.

    1. I’m so anxious for that feeling of peace in my home! ❤️ I already see it coming. It’s so exciting!!! Thank you for your comment! 😊

  12. We have been living minimally for a couple years now. It is always a constant battle, and I don’t think you ever “get done”. It is an amazing lifestyle change and eventually it will get to the point where your life is easier because of it!

  13. I’m about to “KonMari” my loft – lol. I’m not too much into the full approach she takes, but I am into organization. Good luck as you continue with this project!

    1. Thank you! I gotta do it this way because the one area at a time doesn’t work with so many bodies in my house. Lol They undo it when I walk out of the room. Ha! 😊

  14. I listened to both of Marie’s audiobooks and binge watched the series on Netflix. I started my KonMari journey with clothes and that is as far as I got. I live with a hoarder who is not on board with this because to him everything is valuable.
    So, maybe watching your journey I can get back on track with mine.
    Thank you for posting this.
    I wish you the best.

    1. Thank you! We can only change ourselves. But as we change others around us can’t help but change too. 😉 Good luck to you too. ❤️

  15. I can totally relate to how freeing it is to let go of things and get organized. Not that I’m perfectly there, but I live getting stuff out of the house that we don’t use anymore. You’re making great progress!

  16. This is so like my house. It is SO much harder to keep a small house cleaned up. People keep saying “well, with a small house, at least there is less to clean.” But with 8 people, there is NO PLACE to put things away in such a small space, so it keeps getting crowded up.

    1. Lol I’ve heard and said the same things! Lol. Amazingly since doing our clothes KonMari style, I haven’t had to deal much with clothes mess!!! So so happy! ❤️

  17. I love the KonMari method! I definitely helps put things into perspective when trying to decide what items really need to live in your home.

  18. I look forward to the transformation of your home Ruth! I’m a minimalist, always have been. But ever since we downsized our home, I’m even counting pieces that we need to a tee. Good luck!

    1. Thank you. Even if I can’t buy everything at regular price or go shopping regularly, I’m beginning to see clearer that I can still surround myself with things that bring me joy.

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