IF you had a TON of Money, What Would You Do?

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Our family struggled financially when I was young.  I remember wishing I had more, a bigger house, my own room, nicer clothes, more stuff. Until one day in church we talked about these scriptures;

18 But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God. 19 And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good—to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted. (Jacob 2:18–19)

This scripture has never left my mind and I think about it often because I’m tired of struggling for my basic needs. I desire to have riches but I feel I must have a plan on how to serve God in order for me to obtain these riches. For a long time, I wondered, “What do I want to do to help others when I have a surplus of financial means?” 

My “ah ha” moment came when I found myself struggling as a single mom of five children. 

Hawaii State Library, Main Branch

At that time, I was a full time student working on my Masters in Library and Information Science. I had an assignment for one of my classes which took me to the Main Library Downtown. As I walked through the library, I passed a dozing mother and her three children. At first, I wondered why the older children were not in school. A thought quickly came to my mind, that she was struggling and didn’t know what to do. The library was a safe place for her and her children to rest. She didn’t even know that she was in the perfect place to get all the information she needed to help her. 

I realized that there are many single mothers who are struggling because they are alone and do not know what to do. I was blessed with a Daddy who encouraged me when young, to finish my college education to feel more secure in life. So when I became faced with the burden of single motherhood, I was educated and knew I could find the resources I needed to help me survive.  

There’s a quote that says:

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.

I want to do exactly that, feed families for lifetimes. I want to educate other single moms that do not know what to do to become independent and self-sufficient.  The more I thought about my idea the clearer my vision became on how to create a place that I could teach women to be successful in life. 

I see a big building where they can live and have all resources at their fingertips. There would be a daycare on the lower floors where they could leave their children that are not school age without any worry or fears. This would take the stress off of what to do with their young children as they pursued college or career options. Transportation to schools for older children and moms would also be available.

I would start each woman on her journey by finding out what their dreams are and what kind of life they really want to live. We would create goals and then take them step by step to reach their goals.

To help with depression, anxieties, PTSD, addictions, or any other health issues that may be hindering them from moving forward on their own, they would have all natural Amare products available to them.

Resources would come to this location on certain days. Resources like food stamp assistance, free health insurance, counseling, childcare benefits, scholarship councilors, and other resources. These resources are often difficult fit in a busy schedule and access with children in tow and the lack of transportation.

There would be mandatory classes to take like building a vision board, cooking, budgeting, time management, menu planning, and yoga/exercise. There would also be classes for fun and experience like painting, piano lessons, gardening, changing a tire, and more.

My vision board, January 4, 2019

When they are ready to interview for a job they would be able to go to a special room to choose their interview outfit and other work clothes. As a community we would celebrate the wins and support each other in many ways. 

The best part of my plan is that the women that “graduate” from this program could choose to come back to work with me and help more women better their lives.

My vision is BIG and LOTS of money is needed to have amazing resources available for many women at one time. I know I will make this vision a reality somehow. For years I didn’t know which direction I needed to go to make this a reality. Until, Amare, The Mental Wellness Company, was introduced to me. Amare is unique because SERVICE is a core company value and when you reach the level of servant leader you’re expected to choose a nonprofit to start or support. Amare believes that “Money in the hands of good people can do great things!” 

So many people have helped my children and I on this crazy journey called life. It’s only right for me to pay it forward and give back. In small ways I’m currently helping other single moms survive but I want to help even more. I’ve been told, if we write it down and tell others, it helps our big dreams to come true. My vision is getting clearer and clearer every day so I know each day, I’m getting closer to making my vision a reality and Amare will help me to serve more.

Have you ever thought of starting your own nonprofit organization? Have you written it down and shared your ideas?


47 thoughts on “IF you had a TON of Money, What Would You Do?

  1. My dream is to open a foundation with housing and mailboxes for homeless so they can get the help they need to become self sufficient. We have so many people especially veterans who need help!

    1. Yes! That’s a wonderful idea! I would target the homeless mothers first too! Without a mailing address they can’t get a lot of things!

  2. You have a great cause here! I would definitely want to help folks with owning their own business. I feel that is the only way to be truly self-sufficient but it takes a different mindset!

    1. You are absolutely right! And most people need the guidance to have a successful business! I hope you write your ideas down! ❤️

    1. Yes most women do NOT choose to be a single mom, it was not part of their life plan. Your mom had to be super strong for you. ❤️ Yes Visions and resources are so helpful!

    1. We have a lot of homeless veterans from all over the country sent to Hawaii because of our good weather. It’s a HUGE need. Please write down your ideas and let’s make it happen. 😊

  3. I hope you get to do this one day. It could really help others who need confidence to succeed in life.

  4. I have never thought of starting a nonprofit organization. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Good luck in your journey. I cannot imagine being a single mom of 5 let alone helping others as well – you are awesome!

    1. Thank you. I’m actually now a single mom of 7. 🤪 The last two are still in the foster system but been with me for over 2yrs. 💕

  5. What a great vision! What’s great about it is that not only does it help the mother out, but it provides a better childhood and future potential for the children too, which can help break the cycle. My mom is a single mother of 5 so I know firsthand how much this would have helped her and us growing up.

    1. Thank you so much for seeing my vision with me! Yes, I want to break cycles. Teach necessary life skills that aren’t taught in schools. If the mom can do it, so can the next generation! Thank you again! ❤️❤️❤️

  6. I hope your goals do come to pass because it’s needed and it’s an awesome plan! This reminds me of the importance of having a vision and laying a plan to achieve it!

    1. Thank you! I’m still taking baby steps to make my vision a reality. The clearer the vision the more do able it is! 💕

  7. Starting your own non-profit is such a wonderful goal! If I were to open one, it would be toward empowerment. Empowering those who feel helpless in whatever circumstance they may be in. Beautiful vision!

  8. If I had a bunch of money I would love to pay off my parents and grandparents houses. Then I would pay off our cars and home as well. My parents 25th wedding anniversary
    is next year, so it would be really cool if I could pay for a trip for them too.

    1. I love that you want to help your family! ❤️ But what if you still had money left? What would you then do? 😉

  9. Good for you to see a need and build a plan! I remember not knowing where to turn when I was a single mom. There was so much I didn’t even know that I didn’t know.

    1. Exactly! Then when you throw in abuse, self esteem is lost and it’s so lonely! Then to figure out how to survive. It’s often beyond hard.

  10. These are great goals. I love this idea too. I was a single mom too and I could have used help. I also completed my master’s degree in counseling so I know how hard it is to raise kids and get an education. Best wishes for you!

  11. I would love to pay it forward – I have so many ideas, dreams, wishes to help others I’m not certain I would know where to start!

  12. I love your dream! I believe in you and your ability to birth it into reality!

    In a similar vein, I’d love to own a big beautiful building with artsy apartments where people could recover from bad relationships or tough life situations and get back on their feet. There would be a walled garden and a big yard for those who have children. And there would be resources, classes, mentoring programs to help people discover who they really are and what they are here to do. I have so many ideas. And…I’d love to travel a lot!!

    1. Sounds WONDERFUL! Write it down. I’ve found as I write it down more details come to me to guide me on how to make it happen. 😉

  13. God has given me a heart to help others identify abuse of all kinds and speak up! Many don’t want to because of fear or they’ve been threatened. I could go on……it’s a huge problem in our society.

    1. I was in an sexual, mental, and emotionally abusive relationship and didn’t even know it till I was on my way out. With my 2nd marriage I saw the mental and emotional abuse quicker and left before it caused more damage. It’s scary to leave the life you’ve lived and make a change. You have a VERY important purpose here on this earth!

  14. Your paying it forward vision is so beautiful. Cheers to you for wanting to help others in such an amazing way!

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