The Funnies Around You

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The world right now is under a lot of stress and anxiety which is affecting our mental wellness. One thing that helps me to release extra stress is to laugh.

In 2013 my life started to change and I found myself a single mom, pregnant with our 5th child. To help me cope with my sadness, stress, and anxieties I turned to focus on the funnies around me. If we LOOK, we can find funny things right around us. Here are some funny pictures and conversations during that time that I’ve documented that will hopefully bring a smile, a chuckle, or better yet a laugh to brighten your day.

My 4yr old bumped his head and told his 8yr old sister he needed a Band-Aid. So here is her first aid skills. (15 May 2013)

While looking at ice cream in Foodland
Kyra (5) yells: I want a FAT cow!
Me laughing: You mean Skinny Cow?
(Feb 9, 2013)

Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Taye (3): A farmer!
Me: What will you grow?
Taye: Nothing.
Me: What kind of farmer grows nothing?
Taye: I’ll grow flowers.
Me: Flowers?
Taye: Yah, I’ll grow flowers and the sheep will eat it all up! (23 Feb 2013)

Photo credit: Pukalani Superette
Island way of holding your spot before the windows are open.

While reading a book with my son we came to a picture of a unicorn…
Taye (3): I know a story about a unicorn!
Me: Really? Where is it from?
Taye: My head.
Me: Oh, can I hear the story?
Taye: There was a unicorn and the alligator ate him up. That’s it! (8 Mar 2013)

Waiting for the World of Color show at California Adventures to begin.
My poor cold Hawaiian Keiki. (Oct 2013)

Me: It’s late so tomorrow morning sleep in. When you wake up I might be gone.
Zaya (8yrs): What you gonna do?
Me: Stand up (paddle) and yoga.
Zaya: Stand up and what?
Me getting wise: Stand up and shout Hallelujah.
Zaya: Why don’t you do that now so you don’t have to do it later? (12 Apr 2013)

Photo credit: Mainland Kama’ainas
Important slippers!

3rd grade student: I want to see what it was like in the old days.
Me the substitute: Old days, meaning when?
Student: Like… 1990’s.
Me: That wasn’t that long ago! I was alive then!
Student: You were?! (25 Apr 2013)

Me: Stop that!
Taye(4): Yes Sir!
Me: Not Sir it’s Ma’am!
Taye: Yes, Mammal. (19 Jun 2013)

My kids Jul 2013

Me: Blow those boogers out!
Taye (4): I can’t! Only gas comes out! (12 Jul 2013)

20 kids! My 6yr old has now upped how many kids she wants from 7 to 20! Originally she wanted 7kids so she could name them Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc. Conversation we had the other day while washing dishes…

Me: 20 kids! Why do you want 20kids?
Kyra: So I can give 10 to you to help you and do work for you.
Me: Oh, ok that is nice. Just train them well before sending to my house.  (15 Jul 2013)

Taye (4): Mommy, you have a beautiful butt butt.
Me trying to wake up in the morning: Uh huh
Taye: Say thank you mommy. Say thank you.
Me: Thank you (18 Jul 2013)

Me: “Do you know why mommy has been asking for your help more often to lift heavy things?”
My 10yr boy: Because you are getting old?
My girls: No! Because she has a baby in her tummy!!!

I’m so glad my girls knew the correct answer because I haven’t aged a bit. (28 Jul 2013)


36 thoughts on “The Funnies Around You

  1. This makes me happy! I have a 7 and 3 year old. I have a long email that I have going. I always update it when my kids say or do really funny stuff!

    1. Thank you. Looking back at what they said so many years later still makes me smile. Iโ€™m so grateful I documented their sweet silly words, you will too!

    1. I think because I wanted to find funnies so badly I played closer attention so I wouldnโ€™t focus on my pain inside. I had to stop at July for this post because I documented even more as things got harder. ๐Ÿ˜†

  2. Kids are hilarious! Thanks for sharing the fun things your kids say! It’s great to know you’re not alone.

  3. Sometimes you do just have to laugh! Love the one about the “old days” cause my kids refer to the 90’s as that! Feels just like yesterday!

  4. Aw kids are the best! We are so thankful to have ours home with us to keep us entertained during this time.

    1. Lol yes they are so funny when they arenโ€™t driving you nuts. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Lol yes, shoes can have many purposes ๐Ÿ˜†

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